Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Things You May Not Know About Pregnancy

I wanted to share some of the more interesting side effects of pregnancy no one seems to mention. We all know about mood swings, morning sickness, and hunger, but there's oh so much more! I suppose if I had done some more research beforehand, I would have been better prepared. But aside from morning sickness and a little discomfort, everyone always seems to talk about how wonderful pregnancy is, what a good time of life. I think these people have selective memories (granted, some women have a really easy time of it. I no longer like these women). I don't want to whine too much, so I'll just lay out some facts. You can guess how I feel about them.
1. Morning sickness. This is a misnomer. You may be sick all day, every day, until 12-20 weeks. Or the whole pregnancy. Which is a really long time.
2. Acne. Combined with the mood swings, I feel like a teenager. This is not what people mean by recapturing their youth.
3. Skin sensitivity. Pregnant women have more sensitive skin, which can result in rashes. Armpit rash, anyone?
4. Did you know that pregnant women are three times as likely to develop sinus infections, of all things?
5. Meralgia Paresthetica. This is a condition where the femoral nerve is pinched where it comes out of the pelvis, resulting in numbness, tingling, pain, and sometimes even an odd, wet feeling down the front and/or side of the thigh.
And I'm only thirteen weeks. Wish me luck, friends.
I got to see the baby today, though. It's so amazing to see this tiny human being that's growing inside me. I am filled with wonder at the works of God's hands and I know that, in the end, the short-term suffering is worth this little life that God has blessed me with.


  1. Selective memory is extremely important for pregnant women. Otherwise they would never have another child.

    You'll be fine though. I know you are a tuff chickie. Your first look at your little one will have you thinking, pshaw that was nothing at all, lets have 12 more.

    And as I remind ANY and ALL expecting parents: TRACY is an awesome name for boy or girl. It means BRAVE WARRIOR. Grrrr. Thats a kid that can take on the crazy world we live in. Plus us really cool Tracys get the nickname ACE and that is supercool. LOL.

    All the best Cat.

  2. Having already gone through labour once, I asked the nurse in attendance why anyone would ever do it again, and the nurse seemed to say (granted, I was exhausted and may not have heard correctly) that there was some kind of medical/psychological reason for women forgetting what pregnancy and labour pain is like. I remember being in pain, serious back labour is killer, but I don't actually remember the pain...

    Guess that's why I'm doing this again!
