Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Mom

Well, I'm a little late for Mother's Day, but I want to say a couple of words.

My mom:

  1. My most precious friend. She is here for me, anytime, anywhere. She always has my best interests at heart and wants better things for me than sometimes I even envision for myself. I value her friendship and guidance so much.

  2. My teacher and counselor. The faith and life lessons she has imparted to me are blessings beyond words. She taught me principles and values, right and wrong, to stand up for truth without apology. She gave me a firm foundation upon which to build myself that has never failed me. She taught me how to think for myself and not accept the way things appear on the surface. Truly, my mom is one of the best informed people I know, and she has opened my eyes to things about which most people are (blissfully) ignorant. I value this awareness and our many interesting discussions. She has come alongside me and trained me up in the way I should go. My mom does not compromise on truth and I love it.

  3. My example of grace. I have done wrong by my mom too many times to count. I've lied, been angry and hateful, disappeared, acted out, made bad decisions (don't we all!). I don't always keep in touch with her as much as I should. I owe her money... and she forgives me! Over and over again. I know I've hurt her and I've stretched her patience thin (worn it through) and still she loves me unconditionally. What an amazing example of the grace of God! I have had true agape love modelled to me.

I love you so much, Mom. Thank you isn't quite enough.

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